14 Days To A Better Motivation

14 Days To A Better Motivation

The Top 14 Ways To Motivate Employees In 2021

Woman explaining how to motivate employees

By Ashley Espinal, Head of Community, Bond Collective

The best managers know how to motivate employees, and they use that knowledge on a daily ground. These professionals empathise that a motivated team is the holy grail of today’s business, then they do everything they tin can to proceed their employees focused and engaged.

Simply how exactly should you lot go about doing this? The experts at Bond Collective requite you lot 14 of the best ways to motivate your employees.

How To Motivate Employees

1) Make Your Business organisation A Nice Place To Work

Kitchen in a luxury coworking environment

One of the best ways to motivate employees is to requite them a squeamish identify to work. This doesn’t just apply to their cubicle or desk. The concept of a motivational infinite extends to every corner of the workplace surroundings (and even beyond it).

The bathrooms, the intermission room, the lounge, the outdoor infinite (e.g., the roof or patio), even the neighborhood in which your office is located — all of these areas tin take a profound effect on your employees’ motivation.

That’due south why every Bond Commonage coworking infinite is thoughtfully designed and curated to provide inspiration for our members. We know the value of a motivated squad, and we want your employees to feel information technology likewise.

2) Offering Flexible Scheduling

Flexible scheduling is about more than than what days each week your employees will work. Information technology’s besides nigh when they come up in and when they leave.

Some people piece of work meliorate in the morning. They’re up early and raring to become, so give them the freedom to start work at half dozen a.1000. and get out at ii p.thousand. Other people work all-time in the afternoon. They like to stay up late, and then allow them to begin work at 10 a.m. and finish at half dozen p.k.

By giving your employees a more flexible schedule, you’re also giving them the freedom to work when their motivation is at its highest, meaning their productivity will skyrocket. That’due south good for them and for your business.

3) Maintain A Positive Attitude

Are yous the type of manager who focuses on the negative? Or are you the type of managing director who focuses on the positive? You lot can accept a profound effect on your employees’ motivation by doing the latter.

A positive mental attitude is infectious, and it tin assistance y’all and your employees first to view problems as opportunities to become creative rather than as difficulties that need to be overcome.

four) Notice A Style To Have Fun

Coworkers playing pool to motivate employees by having fun

Non every solar day at piece of work is going to be exciting and engaging. When you feel your motivation flagging on those mundane days, detect a way to have fun.

Take a intermission and get out for coffee. Go for a walk around the neighborhood. Play a few games of ping pong or air hockey. Get artistic at finding even just five minutes of fun, and your employees’ motivation will improve profoundly.

5) Permit Your Employees Autonomy

If you really want to motivate your employees, let them room to work. Put another way, don’t micromanage. Instead of watching your team’s every motility, requite them an assignment and a deadline, and so step back and turn them loose.

Giving your employees autonomy shows them that you trust their abilities. That sense of trust then helps them feel more motivated to do proficient work.

six) Requite Purpose To Your Team’south Work

When yous requite purpose to your employees’ work, you help them see how valuable it is to you, your business organisation, and your customers. This helps them feel like they’re making a difference and not just performing tasks with no existent value.

As a result of seeing the larger purpose — not just the small-scale job that needs to be done — your employees be more motivated to contribute to the success of your concern.

vii) Define Your Expectations

To improve motivation in your business, e’er exist very clear nigh your expectations. Don’t ataxia the point with a hundred details. Focus on what you want washed, be clear about the steps involved, and then set up your employee to the job.

Never underestimate the power of a clear and concise mission to motivate your employees for the better.

8) Celebrate Achievements

Coworkers celebrating achievements

When an employee has done good work, take the time to celebrate their achievements. It doesn’t matter if it’s a small-scale chore or a large i. Notice opportunities to recognize their difficult work and the results it produced.

When you exercise celebrate, be sure to include a specific reason why they did a proficient chore. This will assist them run across what beliefs yielded the best results and volition motivate them to practise information technology again.

ix) Offering Rewards For A Chore Well Done

Nearly managers reserve tangible rewards (like money or a souvenir certificate to a local restaurant) for the cease of a big project or the stop of the year. Only, really, you can choose to reward not bad work at any fourth dimension. It doesn’t take to be just well-nigh coin either.

Maybe it’s a night out on the town after a particularly difficult stretch of work. Maybe it’south the option to exit early on Friday. Think about what your team members need, become creative, and come up with a reward that fits each employee.

10) Give Your Employees Growth Opportunities

Very few things drain motivation faster than feeling like yous’re stuck in a dead-stop chore. To combat this emotion, give your employees plenty of opportunities to abound and stretch in their jobs.

Offering training in new skills to those who want it. Assign smaller side tasks that fall exterior an employee’s regular skill set up. Requite team members an opportunity to work in a dissimilar section for a twenty-four hours or two.

Changing things up and giving your employees room to grow is an piece of cake and productive way to improve their motivation.

11) Turn An Important Task Into A Game

Chess board

Don’t let the size or the importance of a project impact your employees’ motivation. Make a game out of it instead. Even something equally disheartening as digging a ditch tin can be made more than fun when y’all introduce elements of gameplay.

If you’re not sure how to motivate employees by turning a task into a game, use video games every bit your model. Ready rewards (e.g., badges, trophies, medals) for certain milestones. Hold small ceremonies at the end of the week. Pit two teams against each other in friendly competition.

Fifty-fifty little things like these can transform a hard job into a game that your employees will look forward to completing.

12) Keep Your Team Fueled

To stay motivated, your employees need to stay fueled. That ways eating salubrious food and drinking plenty of water.

If y’all’re in the middle of a long work day or tackling a particularly difficult department of a project, make certain to have good for you snacks on manus (and maybe some not-and then-healthy ones likewise). Pass out water every hour or 2. Y’all may fifty-fifty want to order-in lunch or dinner to proceed your employees’ energy levels — and their motivation — every bit high as possible.

13) Lead By Example

If you lot’re thinking about how to motivate employees, attempt examining yourself beginning. Your employees will follow your pb, so if you lot tin continue your motivation high, information technology will rub off on your team.

A good mood, even in the face of difficulty, tin become a long way toward getting anybody on lath and working to achieve a goal.

14) Have Regular Breaks

Employee taking a break at work

Taking regular breaks is a keen fashion to relax, refuel, and keep your employees motivated. Fifty-fifty a short five-minute interruption every hour allows them time to unwind and de-stress. That keeps them both physically healthy and firing on all cylinders.

Don’t worry that nothing is getting done during these regular breaks. Some of the best ideas come when your employees are discussing things in the breakroom. In the middle of a big projection, yous may have to make breaks mandatory, simply your team’s motivation will benefit when you practise.

Start Motivating Your Employees Right Now

There’s no fourth dimension similar the present to put what y’all’ve learned about how to motivate employees into practice. Selection 1 or two methods from the list in a higher place and implement them from now on. Once you lot’re comfortable with those, pick one or two more.

Soon, you’ll see an increase in motivation and your employees will be performing at a college level than ever before.

To learn more than nigh the advantages of coworking spaces for startups, digital nomads, remote workers, and businesses of all kinds, visit BondCollective.com today.

14 Days To A Better Motivation

Source: https://www.bondcollective.com/blog/how-to-motivate-employees

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